At their recent ribbon cutting ceremony in celebration of their building’s expansion, Cybex International, part of the Life Fitness brand family which is a division of Brunswick Corporation, presented a check for $10,000 to the Owatonna Foundation. In his presentation, Mark Schwabero, Chairman and CEO of Brunswick, stated that they were continuing their support of community growth in Owatonna, noting that the Owatonna Foundation continues to make major contributions to the welfare of the Owatonna community, and primarily focuses on four areas including community, arts, recreation, and education; distributing their charitable gifts through grants and scholarships, with 100 percent of the money given staying in Owatonna.
“We are extremely grateful to the Life Fitness family for making this donation. We are honored that Life Fitness, along with Cybex and their employees, made the decision to support the Foundation. It has been amazing to watch Cybex grow, and their recent expansion is a great example of their continued commitment to Owatonna and to their employees. This gift will help us to continue the Foundation’s mission of improving the quality of life for present and future generations by supporting Owatonna projects that focus on community, arts, recreation, and education. From the 259 projects that we have partnered with since the Foundation’s inception, to the many projects we will help to fund in the future, we are confident that the Cybex employees that live and work in Owatonna will continue to enjoy the benefits of these Foundation supported projects.” said Foundation President, Betsy Lindgren.
The Owatonna Foundation was established in 1957 with the goal of improving the quality of life for present and future generations of Owatonna residents. Since then, the Owatonna Foundation has committed more than $11.75 million dollars in grants to Owatonna projects and annually awards $30,000 in scholarships for both traditional and non-traditional students.

Pictured left to right: Mark Schwabero, Chairman and CEO of Brunswick, Foundation Trustees: Mike Jensen, Matt Kottke, Sharon West, Julie Rethemeier, Bob Heers, Dale Gandrud, and Tim McManimon.
For more information about the Owatonna Foundation, please visit our website at:, or call our office at 455-2995.