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Apply for a Grant

The Owatonna Foundation issues grants only to organizations, not individuals, in the Owatonna area recognized by the IRS as 501 (c) 3 organizations (tax exempt).


  • Grant applications must have direct relevance to Owatonna and benefit a substantial number of citizens.

  • Funds are provided for capital type projects, not for operating expenses.

  • Grant deadlines are May 1st and September 1st. The Grant Committee reviews all grant applications and makes recommendations to the Trustees for approval.

  • Grants of $25,000 or less can be approved by the Grant Committee. Grants in excess of $25,000 must be approved by the Board of Trustees.

When you create your grant application packet, please provide 9 copies.  In addition, please provide a digital copy and email it to the Director.  Each grant committee member will receive a copy to review.

How to apply for a grant

Application Form:

Make sure you complete the entire application form in the order as it appears. To submit your application:

  1. Print the pdf application form, complete it and send with all the requested attachments and mail in one complete packet to the Foundation. You can also type the information into the pdf form using Acrobat Reader and print the form, or send it in via email. If you email the form, attach the supporting information to the email.  When you create your grant application packet, please provide 9 copies.  In addition, please provide a digital copy and email it to the Director.  Each grant committee member will receive a copy to review.

  2. Download the Microsoft Word application form, complete it by tabbing from one field to the next. Do not rearrange or add information to the form. All additional information should be added as attachments, not as part of the application form. Once you print the application form, gather all the requested attachments and mail them in one complete packet to the Foundation. You may also email the form and attach the supporting information to the email. 

Grant Application form (pdf)

 Download Grant Application doc (Microsoft Word)


Supporting Information:

Please submit all the materials in the order requested, and as separate copies. You may include additional information with your application that supports your organization’s project, such as brochures, fund-raising flyers, or additional information. You are required to include the following attachments:

  • a copy of the IRS certification letter showing organization’s 501 (c) 3 exemption status

  • a copy of organization’s balance sheet or YTD Profit & Loss statement

  • an organizational chart with governing body member names and phone numbers

  • a copy of organization’s mission statement and a summary of last year’s service information (if it existed)

  • a copy of the firm contract or estimates and a detailed budget for the project

  • copies of brochures, advertisements, flyers, etc. that talk about your organization’s purpose, or show other fund-raising initiatives

Submitting Application Packet:

Please mail all the materials in one packet. If you submit the application and materials in various packets, it is possible that your application will not be reviewed in its entirety.


Mail materials to:
Owatonna Foundation
108 W. Park Square 
Owatonna, MN 55060


Hand deliver materials to:
Owatonna Foundation office located at 108 West Park Square.

Office hours are

Monday through Fridays from 9 am to 12 noon, 1 to 3 pm


If you have any questions regarding our grant application process please contact us at the Owatonna Foundation Office at 507-455-2995

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